A beautifully designed medal on the circle of life
Los 4083
GERMANY. Schlesien-Breslau [Wroclaw] (Stadt). Medal (Silver, 34 mm, 14.52 g, 12 h), on the circle of life. By J. Kittel, no date (circa 1700). DER KINDHEIT EIGENSCHAFT IST LEBEN OHN VERSTAND // DER IUGEND BESTE ZEIT WIRD UNNTZ ANGEWAND Two medallions showing a cradle and two playing children. Rev. DAS MÄNNLICH ALTER IST NUR ARBEID MÜH UND NOTH // DIE KRANCKE GREISSENIAHR SCHLIST ENTLICH DER TOD Two medallions showing a man working in the field at the plow and a laid out coffin. Goppel 1164. Very rare and nicely toned, a beautifully designed medal. Light marks and with minor die breaks on the reverse and light traces of mounting, otherwise, nearly extremely fine.

With an original Peus ticket from the 1980s (Lot 1614).
75 CHF
360 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 16-Jul-24, 16:02:00 CEST
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